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Let's talk about the animation workflow with UE to Rigify. When you have an animation on your "Source" rig and you click Convert and switch to Control mode, a new Rigify rig is being created and the key frames from your original source rig are being copied over into a new action on that rig.

So let's take a look at this current action on this "Source" rig called run.


When I hit Convert. It converts that action over to the Rigify rig.



UE to Rigify renames the original action to have SOURCE_ in front of it. It prefixes every action from the "Source" rig so it does not overwrite any bone animations just in case the Rigify "Control" rig and the "Source" rig happen to have matching bone names.

Then I would click Bake, and confirm.


Now we're back to our "Source" rig. Now our "Source" rig has the new animation on our original bones. Now the modified rig can be exported to a file!