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How can I share a template I created with another artist?

Go to Edit > Preferences > Addons > UE to Rigify and select ‘Export Template’. From the sidebar in the file window select the template you want to export. Then select the location on your hard drive and click Export Template. They can now click ‘Import Template’ and select this file, then click ‘Import Template’.

How can I use a Rigify metarig as the source rig?

If you want to use the tool to drive a rig you made in blender that is a Rigify metarig template, you need to rename it. You should stay away from the names "metarig" and "rig" because those are Rigify reserved names and when UE to Rigify generates a new rigify rig, those could get stomped on. Thus, renaming the metarig you added as your source rig is necessary for this to work.

Where are Rig templates stored?

Rig templates are stored within: - windows: %TEMP%\ue2rigify\resources\rig_templates - unix: /tmp/ue2rigify/resources/rig_templates